My current dryer sheet of choice: Bounce Outdoor Fresh
What is it? At a rating of 3 out of 5 on Bounce's very own scent meter in terms of strength of fragrance (5 is the highest), I think the reason why I most enjoy this product is because it smells so similar to Giorgio Beverly Hills Wings for Men, though another friend says it reminds him of Claiborne Curve for Men...
These are scented sheets that are designed to soften fabrics while in the dryer, prevent static cling, and scent your laundry. Bounce's homepage lists a number of other uses for them, everything from scenting drawers, to shoving into flower vases.
Where can I buy it? Well, standard price seems to be about $6.99 for a 120 pack, but this stuff is everywhere on the net, and in most every supermarket.
The Bottom Line: I can't live without my dryer sheets, and I'm not a big "line dry" guy (my socks get crunchy). Bounce is a brand I grew up with and so it's what I always come back to. I like the range of aromas that are available now and Outdoor Fresh is a fruity-musk aroma that is a pleasure to inhale every time I open up the bathroom cabinet where I keep my stash.
Rating (out of 10): 8
What's your favorite scented laundry product?
I like Trader Joe's liquid laundry detergent - a very nice lavender scent makes the doing laundry almost fun...they also have a lavender version of dish detergent if you get tired of the orange version.
Downy Simple Pleasures
Lavender and Vanilla liquid fabric
softener and dryer sheets are
I'll notice a fantastic scent
wafting around that is not
my perfume and realize it's
the Downy on my clothes.
The Good home company in Beach days, this stuff is great, but beware the scent is so strong i only use it for towels and sheets.
flora - traderjoe's can do no wrong as far as I'm concerned!
pm - can't wait to get to an American supermarket and try it out! thanks for the tip!
anon - Good Home Company, huh, I'll defintiely look for it! Thanks!
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