What does it smell like? Ripe, juicy red and black berries, sightly smoky but lingering in the air for hours after the wand has burned.
Pros: Long-wand incense (did I hear the hiss of "size-queen"?) with a wonderful scent that lingers for a good while!

Where can I buy it? 8 Euros for 20 wands at Senteursdailleurs.com
The Bottom Line: Wonderful wand incense from the famous Fauchon of Paris and designed by no less than Esteban! Now that both Mariage Freres and Fauchon have jumped on the candle and incense bandwagon, you can mark my word, Starbucks is next! Long-burning, and long-lingering, this incense is amazing. Beautiful aromas and powerful throw, worth every penny (?) of the 8 Euros! Seek it out!
Rating (out of 10): 10
P.S. - thanks to Jindra (dinazad) for giving these to me as a splendid Xmas gift! XOXOX marls
What designer food houses put out a great incense or candle?
Blusshhhhh...... you're most welcome!
Come to think of it: since coffee (like popcorn) is one of those things which smell better than they taste (and I like coffee!), Starbucks incense might not be all that bad... Now when McD starts making incense, that might be more of a problem! ;-P
Jindra is a sweetie. I love her. :) (psst, I'm Shadow_Witch on MUA.)
dinazad - could you imagine? Big Mac candles? Fillet o'Fish incense? Eeewwww!
bois - I'm sure you would love these! I wanna get my greedy little fingers on a Red Berries candle!
rue - can you guess what I am on MUA (LOL!)?
Marls, speaking of your handle. Depending on my headspace I either hear it in my head in a French accent, Sahn-turrh or, a Brooklyn accent. SAN-TOO-ah. LOL!
Let's face it, most of us are size queens. I want it too but I think I've already commented somewhere that Roquefort my westie abhors incense. Damn his eyes, or nose rather. Maybe I should buy this at Fauchon and go burn it in the alley like a pathetic teenager sneaking a smoke.
Cait - Even when burning on a shelf or other high place? I couldn't live without my candles and incense...but I'm sure its not as fulfilling as living with Roquefort.
Yes, no matter high a roost the incense has, he goes nuts. And, how did you know? Incense isn't as fulfilling as my Roques. He doesn't seem to mind candles, thank the lawd.
Cait - if candles are ok, you're in luck... I do believe there is a Red Berries candle as well!
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